Account Status:

Fees and Deposits


  • Residential customers with lease agreements are required to present the lease agreement in full and pay a utility deposit of $150.00 at the time of signing for services.

  • Commercial customers with lease agreements are required to present the lease agreement in full and pay a utility deposit, amounts vary.

  • New homeowners may apply for service online by clicking here or by calling customer service to start service. Escrow information is required. The utility deposit is waived.

Late Fees: Failure to pay the entire amount shown on the monthly bill by due date will result in a late penalty charge of ten (10) percent.

Return Check Fees: If your bill was paid by a check not honored by a financial institution, the account will be assessed a $25.00 returned check fee and be subject to disconnection of service(s).

Reconnection Fees: If the utility service is disconnected for non-payment, the total account balance and a reconnection fee will be required to restore service. The fee for same day service reconnection before 3:00 p.m. is $25.00. The fee for same day service reconnection after 3:00 p.m., or on weekends and holidays is $60.00.